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Who we serve

Developers seeking funding

Browse Tax Credits

How do we serve developers?

We serve developers and developer groups by helping them gain the capital they need to revitalize more communities.


We can assist developers in properly applying for tax credits, structuring their projects to fully leverage the available credits, and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. With our extensive network and industry knowledge, we connect you with qualified investors to streamline the credit monetization process and maximize the financial benefits of your tax credits.

Developer FAQs

These frequently asked questions may fill in some gaps developers have about selling tax credits. Click the questions below to learn more, or watch the video about frequently asked questions developers have.

Frequently Asked Questions from Developers
Can I sell my project?

Yes and no. For certain types of credits, the project can be sold shortly after the Certificate of Occupancy is issued. For historic credits, you must maintain ownership for five years.

What can developers use the capital for?

Once the equity has come into the development partnership, management can use that equity for whatever they choose, whether that is additional equity in the capital stack, for paying off mezzanine loans, distribution, or repaying the original equity they placed into the deal. The senior lender may restrict or determine what the capital can be used for.

What is the timing of the capital’s availability?

Upon admission into the partnership, a small capital contribution is made. The developer can choose whether to have the capital come in faster or over the utilization period of the credits.

Will my project qualify?

The team at Tax Credit Marketplace can quickly determine if your project will qualify. They can also help you determine which of the South Carolina revitalization credits will be most beneficial to you and your project team.

What costs will I incur?

Developer partners incur two costs. The first is a cost certifications report. This determines and confirms the qualifying costs that were spent on the project and the credits that are available for allocation to the tax credit partner. The second cost is the nominal legal expense that the partner incurs to modify the operating agreement to include the tax credit equity partner in the partnership to allow for the allocation of the credits to the tax credit partner.


"Let’s start talking about using tax credits to make our community a better place.”