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Our Experience

Our roots are in South Carolina. We were founded here. Our projects are here. We want to make our state an even better place to live, work, and play in.

The old made new… for the communities of South Carolina.

There is something nostalgic about seeing a run-down building, hotel, or textile mill come alive with a new purpose and design. A neglected and vacant federal building is restored into a luxurious boutique hotel. A once-forgotten downtown retail space is now bustling with new storefronts and loft apartments.

Revitalization projects not only take something in disrepair and make it beautiful and functional, but they also breathe energy and vibrancy into a community and its people. Seeing people flock to a once-abandoned part of town – now revitalized – is what Tax Credit Marketplace is all about.

The Legislation That Changed the Course of Main Streets Across South Carolina

In 2010, John received a call from developer Tom Winkopp. Knowing John’s expertise in real estate syndications, he was seeking advice on monetizing unused textile tax credits. Shortly thereafter, John started the tax credit monetization process on several projects, including what he called the “Corner Project.”

That redevelopment included the assemblage of nine properties that were at the corner of Greenville’s North Main and West Washington streets. Included were abandoned properties such as the old Woolworth’s building, built in the 1930s, that had over 40,000 square feet of retail space, and therefore, qualified for S.C. retail revitalization tax credits.

Fast forward to 2013, recognizing the success of prior Acts to incentivize the rehabilitation of old textile mills and empty big box retail sites, the state passed the South Carolina Abandoned Buildings Revitalization Act aimed at Main Streets in South Carolina. This gave developers a new incentive — an income tax credit for rehabilitating or improving neglected and vacant properties into income-producing ones.

John had the ideal business platform established and now had the catalyst from the newly approved legislation. “It was then I knew there was a special opportunity in the tax credit business for a South Carolina-focused company. And the Abandoned Buildings Revitalization Act was just the impetus I needed. That is when I founded Tax Credit Marketplace.”

Building the Bridge in Greenville

The concept of state and federal tax credits is one that has taken off in recent years. When developers generate more project-based tax credits than they can use in a given period, they can monetize unused credits through Tax Credit Marketplace. This allows S.C. investors access to reduced combined income taxes and to play a part with the developer in restoring neglected and abandoned properties (a win for the local areas). The developer receives investment funds to put toward their project or pay off loans, the investor pays less taxes, and the community is revitalized with new economic growth.

“I began to see that I could offer a valuable service to these developers who had excess tax credits,” John excitedly stated. “And, on the other side, I was offering a valuable service for investors who were looking for creative ways to lower their taxes. But they did not have a formal way to connect with each other.” Tax Credit Marketplace became the bridge between the developer and the investor to benefit communities across South Carolina.

John explains, “We link the tax-conscious investor to the community-minded developer. We want to be the reliable and trusted source for our developers and investors.”

Combining Capital, Revitalizing Communities

The goal behind Tax Credit Marketplace is more than just profitability: their mission is to help revitalize communities around the corner, in neighborhoods, and throughout the state. 
“Our roots are in South Carolina. We were founded here. Our projects are here,” John recounts with great satisfaction as he leans back in his chair, looking across the table with a smile.
“Our development partners have an interest in our state. And our investors have an established interest in the state of South Carolina. And, in the end, everyone wins – the investor, the developer, and most of all, the community.”

Bringing New Life to Main Streets

Drive down Main Street and see a trendy new restaurant pop up in a space that used to be vacant. Visit a run-down area of the city that is now a popular destination for families to enjoy and good friends to connect. See old mills of yesteryear turned into boutique retail spaces and luxury lofts. This is community revitalization. This is the outcome of the work of Tax Credit Marketplace.

John and his team have been part of many landscape projects across the state including Project One, a complex urban, mixed-use development located in the heart of downtown Greenville, as well as the Dewberry Hotel in Charleston, the Pier and Highpoint student housing in Clemson, and the Holiday Shores Motel in Myrtle Beach. Each project gives new life, creates a desired destination, and builds and reaches communities in new ways.

It’s refreshing to see companies doing good and investing back into local communities. It strengthens our relationships and provides new opportunities to visit places we haven’t been to or haven’t been to in a long time. It adds life to a venue that was once in disrepair and provides a community with better places to work, live, and play.

Timeline of Tax Credit Marketplace

Principals began monetizing S.C. tax credits
Formed Tax Credit Marketplace, LLC

Tax Credit Marketplace began connecting investors with developers to partner in the monetization and investment of tax credits.

Launched first annual state credit fund

This state credit fund was designed to aggregate credits, which solved an inefficient market.

Formed Poinsett Securities, LLC

Poinsett Securities, LLC was formed to be a captive Broker Dealer for Tax Credit Marketplace, LLC

Closed first federal tax credit fund
Opened Charleston, S.C. office
Launched Renewable Energy Tax Credit Division
$192M in Monetized Tax Credits

By working with investors and developers, Tax Credit Marketplace has monetized over $192 million in tax credits.


"Let’s start talking about using tax credits to make our community a better place.”