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Revitalized Historic Building Becomes Dynamic Multi-use Space


1216 and 1218 Taylor Street, located in the Columbia Commercial Historic District of downtown Columbia, SC, were recently transformed into a dynamic mixed-use project with retail on the first floors and luxury, one-bedroom apartments on the second floors. This building now offers a blend of retail and residential spaces.

1216 Taylor Street’s tenant is the renowned Good Life Café, a trailblazer in health-conscious dining, juicing, and coffee creations. 1218 Taylor Street is home to Icon on Taylor, an upscale boutique. Linked by an inviting, open floor plan, these sister enterprises create an immersive shopping and dining experience.

The second floors of both 1216 and 1218 were both renovated into luxury one-bedroom apartments. Each apartment has its own door to a stairwell that discharges at the sidewalk on Taylor Street. Each apartment also features a back rooftop deck. This development builds on the momentum of Columbia’s Main Street revitalization.  

The building located at 1216-1218 Taylor Street was originally built in 1915.  1216 Taylor Street was part of the Hillman’s Sporting Goods store (approximately 5,900 square feet) and 1218 Taylor Street was the Community Finance Building (approximately 5,500 square feet).

Tax Credit Marketplace, LLC was the State and Federal Historic Tax Credit investor for the project.